Thou Shall Not…

21 06 2007

Most people know the 10 Commandments, those little rules handed down to Moses by God telling people what they should and shouldn’t do. Well the Vatican seems to have run out of things to admonish and people to pray for this week so they decided to make some commandments of their own. These are not just any commandments though, these are the 10 Commandments of Cars, which are listed in the “Guidelines for the Pastoral Care of the Road.”

Some of the commandments include, “Thou shall not drive under the influence of alcohol, thou shall respect speed limits, and thou shall not consider a car an object of personal glorification or use it as a place of sin.”

Now, I understand that some people may use their cars to overcompensate for something, and that people may have a tendency to have road rage.  I also know that may a teenager (and sadly some adults) use their cars in “sinful” ways, but do we really need a set of 10 commandments for our cars?
